
    Do you want to make the United Kingdom your home?  If you’re aiming to become a British citizen in 2024, it’s important to understand the process, which involves certain eligibility criteria, application steps, and the significance of citizenship.


    The UK is a great place to live, with its rich history, cultural diversity, and strong democratic values. But becoming a British citizen is not easy. 

    Becoming a British citizen is a process that requires dedication and compliance with specific requirements. This guide will help you learn everything you need on how to become a British citizen in 2024.

    Why Become a British Citizen in 2024?

    Becoming a British citizen in 2024 is a big decision that has many benefits, but also some responsibilities. You should think carefully about why you want to become a citizen and what it means to you.

    Some of the benefits of being a British citizen are:

    • You can vote and stand for office. You can have a say in how the country is run and who represents you.
    • You can travel freely. You can use a British passport to visit other countries without a visa. You can also live and work in any EU country.
    • You can access public services. You can use the NHS, education, and social security systems without any restrictions.
    • You can belong to a diverse and vibrant community. You can enjoy the culture, history, and traditions of the UK and its people.

    Some of the responsibilities of being a British citizen are:

    • You must obey the law. You must respect the rights and freedoms of others and follow the rules of the UK.
    • You must pay taxes. You must contribute to the public funds supporting your services and benefits.
    • You must participate in society. You should get involved in your local community, volunteer, or join a group. You should also learn about the issues that affect the UK and the world.

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    Who Can Apply for British Citizenship?

    You can apply for British citizenship if you meet these criteria:

    • You have permanent residence status in the UK. This means you have lived in the UK for at least five years and have no immigration restrictions. You must have had this status for at least 12 months before you apply.
    • You are of good character. This means you have no serious or recent criminal record and have not broken any immigration laws while living in the UK.
    • You can speak English, Welsh, or Scottish Gaelic. You must prove your language skills by taking a test or showing a qualification.
    • You know about life in the UK. You need to pass a test that asks you questions about British life, culture, and history. This shows that you respect and understand the values and norms of the UK.
    • You want to stay in the UK. You need to show that you plan to live in the UK after becoming a citizen.

    How to Apply for British Citizenship?

    If you meet the criteria, you can apply for British citizenship by following these steps:

      • Get and fill out the application form. You can find the form online on the UK government’s website.
      • Pay the fees. The fees depend on your age and the type of application. You can pay online when you apply.
      • Send the documents. You need to show your identity, residence, and language skills. You also need to send your test results and proof of payment.
      • Submit your application. You can do this online or by post. Make sure you check everything carefully before you send it. Any mistakes can cause delays or rejections.
      • Wait for the decision. The Home Office will process your application and let you know whether you are approved. This can take several months and may vary depending on your situation.

    British Citizenship Application Fees

    Adults applying for British citizenship

    Application form Type of application Total fee payable
    AN Naturalisation £1580
    B(OS), B(OTA), RS1, S1, S2, S3 T, EM Registration £1431
    UKM, UKF, BOTC(F), BOTC(M) Section 4C, 4G, 4H, 4I registration (ceremony fee only) £80

    Applications for other types of British nationality

    Application form Type of application Total fee payable
    AN(modified) Adults applying to naturalise as British overseas territories citizens £1000
    RS2, S1, S2, SE P1 Adults applying to register as British overseas territories citizens, British Overseas citizens, British protected person or British subjects. It is possible to be registered or naturalised as a British overseas territories citizen in the UK only in exceptional circumstances £901


    Application form Type of application Total fee payable
    B(OTA), B(OS), EM, MN1, S2, S3, T Child under 18 applying to register as a British citizen. **An additional £80 per applicant is required to cover the ceremony fee should the child turn 18 during the application process. This will be required at point of decision £1214
    MN3, MN4, S2 Child under 18 applying to register as British overseas territories citizens, British Overseas citizens or British subjects £810

    Renunciation of British nationality

    Application form Type of application Total fee payable
    RN Application to renounce British citizenship, British Overseas citizenship, British Overseas Territories citizenship, British subject, British protected person status or British National (Overseas) £372

    Right of abode

    Application form Type of application Total fee payable
    ROA Application for a certificate of entitlement to the right of abode in the UK £372


    Application form Type of application Total fee payable
    NC Duplicate certificate £250
    NS Confirmation of status as a British citizen £250
    NQ Confirmation of non-acquisition of British citizenship £250
    NR Reconsideration of an application for naturalisation or registration £372
    RROA Reconsideration of an application for a certificate of entitlement to the right of abode £372
    RR Correction to nationality certificate. (RR fee – Payable only on request after the application has been considered) £250

    Invalid application

    Application form Type of application Total fee payable
    If the full fee or biometric data is not provided then the application will be rejected as invalid. The application will not be considered and the fee will be refunded less an administration fee of £25 £25

    Data from the UK Government’s Website

    How to Prepare for the Citizenship Test?

    The citizenship test is a key part of the application process. It tests your knowledge of life in the UK. You need to study for it and pass it to become a citizen.


    To prepare for the test, you should:

    • Use the official study guide. It is called “Life in the United Kingdom: A Guide for New Residents”. It has all the information you need to know for the test.
    • Learn about local customs, laws, and facts. The test may ask you about these topics, so you should familiarize yourself with them.
    • Practice with sample questions. You can find some online or in books. They will help you get used to the format and difficulty of the test.

    What Happens After You Pass the Test?

    If you pass the test and your application is approved, you will be invited to a citizenship ceremony. This is the last step of the process. It is where you become an official British citizen.

    At the ceremony, you will:

    • Take the Oath of Allegiance. This is a promise to be loyal and faithful to the UK and its laws.
    • Receive your certificate of citizenship. This is a document that proves you are a British citizen.
    • Celebrate your achievement. You can bring your family and friends to the ceremony and enjoy the moment.

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    Can You Have Dual Citizenship in the UK?

    Yes, you can have dual citizenship in the UK. This means you can be a British citizen and also a citizen of another country at the same time. 

    You do not need to apply for dual citizenship. You can apply for foreign citizenship and keep your British citizenship.

    However, some countries do not accept dual citizenship. You should check with the country’s consulate or embassy in the UK to learn about their dual nationality laws. 

    If you want to apply for British citizenship, you need to meet certain criteria and follow a process. You can find more information on the UK government’s website.

    Can I Lose My British Citizenship if I Become a Citizen of Another Country?

    That depends on the laws of the other country and your reasons for becoming a citizen there. 

    According to the UK government’s website, you can have dual citizenship in the UK, which means you can be a British citizen and also a citizen of another country at the same time. 

    You do not need to apply for dual citizenship or give up your British citizenship if you get another citizenship.

    However, some countries do not allow dual citizenship, and you may have to renounce your British citizenship if you want to become a citizen of those countries. 

    You should check with the consulate or embassy of the other country in the UK to find out about their rules on dual nationality.

    Also, the UK government can revoke your British citizenship if you obtained it by fraud or if it is in the public interest to do so. For example, if you have been involved in terrorism, espionage, serious crime, or acts against the UK’s national interests, you may lose your British citizenship.

    But, this can only happen if you have another citizenship or nationality, as the UK government cannot make you stateless

    You also have the right to appeal against the decision to remove your British citizenship.

    Therefore, you should be careful about the reasons for and consequences of becoming a citizen of another country and consult with the relevant authorities before making any decisions.


    Becoming a British citizen in 2024 is everyone’s goal! I should let you know that it’s is a rewarding and meaningful experience. It is a process that requires dedication and understanding. It is also a privilege and a duty. 


    Following this guide, you can prepare for your journey to British citizenship. We wish you all the best!
